Download Antivirus for java phones ! yes now you can Protect your device .

After a lot of research work , finally there's something for java users and i.e an anti-virus . Java phones are said to be the most prone to virus and if a virus attacks there device then the only solution left for them is to upgrade or reinstall their firmware .

Why are JAVA phones PRONE to Viruses ?
Java phones are designed as a 'MEDIUM LEVEL USER' Phone , but when people get to know more and more about the Tech world they try experimenting it with their device 'Forgetting' they have a JAVA phone and not An Android and iOS .
So when People use there There phone for a considerable period of time as 'USB MODEM' the main motherboard of the device begin to ruin , though most android can bear it , JAVA can also bear but only for a short duration .This is the main cause why they are prone Due to excessive Processor usage there file system begin to corrupt which is a direct signal for the entry of viruses .

From where does the VIRUS comes ?
Though most out there will know this but still for those who don't - the main source of VIRUS is your "INTERNET' , which works on your JAVA phones As EDGE ,GPRS or 3G  .
The second main source is your Memory card - while you are transferring some exciting games from your friend's mobile you never know a worm is inside the meta-inf file of that  application !.

Solution -
Today we bring to you a some recommended softwares (Antiviruses) For your JAVA phones .

  • NORTON ANTIVIRUS - The Well known Computer antivirus now available for JAVA mobile ! Download it >>
  • Java Mobile Antivirus - get here > 
  • Kaspersky Antivirus - The trusted Antivirus after a lot research is not Available on JAVA platform to download it Follow the steps below :-

  1. Go to .
  2. Go to the Download ID Tab.
  3. Enter Download ID as '610808' Without qoutes , Your Download will Begin .
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